Saturday, July 3, 2010

Large red damselflies

These large red damselflies were photographed at  a large pond in Durham city. The eyes are amazing in this insect. So far, this is the only damselfly species that has bred in my small, weedy garden pond. Southern hawker dragonflies have paid visits on a few occasions, but no sign yet of any egg laying.


  1. Cracking shots Phil. Yea, they have amazing eyes, dont they.

  2. Glad I wasn't born a damselfly - with my back it'd be a a life of celibacy.

  3. Hi Keith, I think they must have almost all-round vision..

  4. Hi Rob, maybe there's an insect Kama Sutra?

  5. Looking at the larger version of the first photo really made me shiver. The sort of thing any Hammer Horror Movie would have used to great effect.

    I only have blue-tails in my pond.

  6. Hi John, my pond is long overdue for a major clean out - it's not very damselfly-friendly at the moment.I've sometimes watched damselflies chewing prey that they've caught - it's a very mechanical, expressionless face, which adds to the horror!


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