Monday, March 6, 2023

Welcome back to greenfinches and collared doves

 It's good to see greenfinches back in the garden, after an absence of several years. They were common here a decade ago, then their numbers plummeted when trichomonosis disease struck. It's caused by a protozoan parasite that infects the bird's throat and prevents it from swallowing. It will be good to hear the greenfinches wheezy call again this summer. 

There is advice from the BTO here on managing bird feeders to reduce the spread of trichomonosis

Greenfinches' plumage becomes brighter and greener as the breeding season approaches.

Collared doves have also returned to the garden this spring and it looks like we have a pair that might breed. They did once before (see here). A decade ago, we had as many as a dozen visiting the garden, then their numbers steadily declined. I suspect that they are rather easy prey for sparrowhawks. They also have a gentle, nervous nature and are easily out-competed for their favourite bird table food - sunflower seeds - by the larger and much more assertive wood pigeons that visit the garden in larger numbers every year.

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