Saturday, January 31, 2015

Waders on a winter afternoon

Spent a very pleasant hour watching waders - sanderling, ringed plover and redshank - at Whitburn rocks near Sunderland yesterday. Nothing rare or unusual, just glorious sunshine, crystal-clear air, and the sounds of the surf and the waders' calls. 

The seaside in winter is a great place to be on days like that.


  1. The plump little sanderling have such a long stride! Brilliant photos!

    1. Must be one of the most hyperactive birds on the seashore!

  2. Nice images Phil. The Sanderling put a stack of effort into foraging, the larger waders operate at much slower pace. Very entertaining set of birds, they seem used to the regular human presence at Whitburn too.

    1. Thanks Stevie, I like the way you can just sit there and let the rising tide drive the sanderlings towards you. Sometimes they come within a few feet!


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